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Flying Cement Co slates expansion to complete in 3QFY22

Flying Cement Co Ltd (FCC) announced that its plant expansion in Mangowal, Kushab district of Pakistan’s Punjab province is due to come online in the 3QFY22. The cement plant has an existing clinker production capacity of 4000tpd (Line I) and the company’s Line II project will add a further 7700tpd to take total clinker production capacity to 11,700tpd.

Out of the PKR10.2bn (US$64.8m) total projected cost for the expansion, FCC has already incurred PKR7bn. Taking into account the plant’s total capacity, which will be available in the 2HFY22, the company’s management plans to achieve a utilisation rate of 35 per cent in FY22. It is also expecting to target an eight per cent market share in 3QFY22.

Meanwhile, FCC has informed Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) that it has completed installing a new coal-fired captive power plant of 12MW at its site in Khushab and trial operations are expected to be started in July.

In February the company commissioned a 7.5MW WHR system. Line I has a an 17MW energy requirement, while for Line II this is 32MW, resulting in a total energy requirement of 49MW. FCC’s energy sources supply 58.5MW, including load connection from WAPDA (25MW), WHR System (7.5M), furnace oil engines (14MW) and captive power plant (12MW).

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